lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2019

The woman like a object

Today I am going to write about a important point about gender´s violence: The woman like a object. In this way, the patriarcado has been sensed woman not like an individual, but as an object of desire of man.It has consequences in what the culture expects of us and how should we be like woman. For this reason we developed in the otherness, only like a sexual body.

When we talk about the woman like a  sexual desire object, we have to think that a sexual objectification is the vision of people only as personalized objects of sexual desire instead of seeing ourselves as individuals with complex personalities, emotions, soul and desires. In other words, it is when people are treated as sexual objects or with whom the interest is only sex. We can see it at communication media, entertainment media or the simple life, for example when we wear skirt or light clothes.

This objectification influences in what the culture expects. In this way, culture promotes roles and values that women must comply obligatorily. This roles and values are product of social constructions that respond to that masculine vision of sexuality in which two genders are institutionalized: the masculine as the dominant and the feminine as the submissive.(Mackinnon, 2005).For instead, a woman with a liberty sexual is criticized for the society for not fulfilling the social mandate, instead a men with liberty sexual is considered a hero. 
In addition, another concept very important for understanding women's objectification is the otherness. Simone Beauvoir (1984), mentioned the otherness like a concept where the patriarcado has originated an inferiority in the woman because of the genitals. For this reason the women always have been subdued to the man because their biological characteristics, becoming in a weak and dependent person.  
In concluded, women objectification is influenced by the patricarde culture that give us the behaviour norms of women. In this way, the vision that women is submissive of man, where must to obey “the culture law”, makes me think ¿Someday 
will women ever get their freedom?. 

MacKinnon, Catherine A. "Sexuality, pornography, and method:" Pleasure under Patriarchy." Ethics 99.2 (2005): 314-346.
De Beauvoir, Simone, Dolores Sierra, and Néstor Sánchez. La mujer rota. Seix Barral, 1984.

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