viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2019

My favorite pet

Hi today i'm going to talk about my favorite pet, who is sofi. Wel... she is a important part of my cold heart. I love her since I saw her in the house of a family friend when  she was a child.But, they didn't want her  with theirs, because, she ate a very important plant that they had ( a weed plant).
Sofi is a very small dog, who like to sleep and eat bread like me. It is very funny because always when i'm eating breakfast, she is at my side, whining for a piece of bread. 
She is three years old, white with little black dots. Usually, she sleeps with me and she enjoys eating bread that i give her in my bed.
Always with my mom we have thought that she is a member more of family and is almost a person who doesn't speak. 
She is very important for my because give me so many tranquility and love. I hope that she stay with us for a long time because is very important in the family.

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